
PhDThe members of the laboratory congratulate Tatiana Salikhova on receiving a PhD in Biology!

December 10, 2024

proceedings of the conference New publication “Prospects for ultrasonic Doppler methods for creating automatic injection of drugs into a moving vessel” in the proceedings of the conference "BIONIKA-2023".
(view details)

December 10, 2024

PhDThe members of the laboratory congratulate Denis Pushin on receiving a PhD in Physics and Mathematics!

December 10, 2024

Project "in silico"

Assesment of thrombosis risks, based on computer modelling with broad validation:

Welcome to the laboratory of Georgy Th. Guria

Discussion of actual scientific developments

Prof. Georgy Guria and PhD student Denis Pushin at the laboratory seminar.

Preparing for blood experiments

PhD student Shakhla Shirinli and researcher Dmitry Ivlev before conducting experiments.

Conducting experiments with blood

Researcher Dmitry Ivlev is conducting an experiment on ultrasonic detection of thrombosis.

Experiment planning

Dr. Svetlana Uzlova and PhD students.

Computational experiment on platelet activation

Learn more about our project on the assesment of thrombosis risks:

Successful defense of theses

Prof Georgy Guria with his students Ivan Priphodko, Tatiana Sapega and Ilya Ponomarev.

Laboratory seminar

Prof. Georgy Guria with his researching group.

Our team consists of the researchers, working along with Prof. Georgy Guria on the study of the role of instabilities in the dynamics of complex systems, including biological regulation.

It is generally accepted that the loss of stability of any regime is a prologue to the transition of that nonequilibrium system to another state having a different time or space-time ordering. The study of different types of such non-equilibrium transitions observed in the physico-chemical and biological systems, and the task of revealing the conditions for the implementation of such transitions is the main subject of the research of our team.


State diagram

At the moment, obviously the most attention is given to transitions manifested in the dynamics of such sophisticated physiological substance as blood [Thrombosis Research, 2015; Guria, 2011]. In the center of our attention are both theoretical issues of finding conditions of loss of the liquid state stability of the blood, and questions concerning the development of tools and methods for real-time monitoring of aggregate state of blood in vitro and in vivo [Scientific Reports, 2016; PLOS ONE, 2015; JTB, 2012; PLOS ONE, 2019; PhilosTrans, 2008]. The laboratory team uses and enhances the research approach in silico, aimed at the task of personalized assessment of thrombosis risks through the use of modern computer simulation methods (more on

Recently, particular attention is paid to finding opportunities of a fast-reacting medical interference during the fastest flowing phase of intravascular thrombosis. [PLOS ONE, 2019; PhilosTrans, 2008].


Ultrasound thrombus detection

The range of actively studied systems is not limited to blood coagulation system. Among the actively studied issues are mass transfer processes in the human body and the work of the cellular signaling system.


Dynamic processes graph


Our research has been funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC), the Russian Science Foundation (RSF).